SMTB Course Requirements

SUBJECT: Course Requirements

1. References:

       a. AR 350-1 (Army Training and Leader Development)
       b. AR 40-501 (Standards of Medical Fitness)
       c. AR 600-78 (Army Suitability, Fitness, and Credentialing Program)
       d. AR 600-9 (The Army Body Composition Program)
       e. AR 623-3 (Evaluation Reporting System)
       f.  AR 670-1 (Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia)
      g.  ATP 7-22.01 (Holistic Health and Fitness Testing)
      h.  DA Pam 600-25 (U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Guide)
       i.  DA Pam 611-21 (Military Occupational Classification and Structure)
       j.  DA Pam 623-3 (Evaluation Reporting System)
      k.  NGR 600-200 (Enlisted Personnel Management)
       l.  NGR 601-1 (Army National Guard Strength Maintenance Program)
     m. SMOM 25-005 (Suitability Screening Requirements)
      n. TR 350-18 (The Army School System)

2. SMOM 22-006 is rescinded.

3. Definitions.

     a. Prerequisite. Qualifications that must be met before the start date of a course.

     b. Administrative Requirement. Documents and administrative tasks outlined in the course welcome letter that are required for enrolling Soldiers and confirms their eligibility, assignment, administrative data and completion of course prerequisites. Soldiers must meet all administrative requirements no later than 72 hours following the course start date or they will be non-enrolled from the course. 

4. Coordination. The SMTB will provide all Soldiers with a reservation within the Army Training Requirements and Resource System (ATRRS) explicit instructions (welcome letter) for in-processing and completing any interactive multimedia instruction (IMI) requirements 45 days prior to the class start date. Failure to comply with instructions provided in the course welcome letter may result in non-enrollment in the course. SMTB Course welcome letters can also be accessed by going to  Student Information on the Top Menu Bar of this site.  

5. Recruiting and Training Cadre Suitability. Reference ARNG Strength Maintenance Division, ARNG-HRR memorandum (SMOM 25-005 Suitability Screening Requirements) 25 Nov 2024, outlines processing procedures and requirements for suitability screening of Army National Guard recruiting and training cadre. Confirmation that State (Local) screening is complete, and that Federal (Centralized) screening has been initiated is required as a prerequisite for SMTB courses below that indicate “YES” for “Suitability Screening Required”. Administrative requirements for confirming this prerequisite include uploading a current (within three years) validation memorandum from the Soldier’s Recruiting and Retention Battalion Commander (RRC) or a completed HRR 600-1 (Recruiting and Training Cadre Suitability Checklist) 2024 into SharePoint as directed in the course welcome letter.

6. Physical Fitness and Height/Weight requirements.

     a. Physical Fitness.  Soldiers must meet physical readiness standards of AR 350-1. (ACFT within 60 days)

     b. Height/Weight. All Soldiers attending SMTB courses must meet the height/weight and body composition standards outlined in reference AR 600-9 (The Army Body Composition Program). Pregnant or postpartum Soldiers will meet the standards outlined in AR 600-9. 
c. Profiles and Soldiers over 40 Years old.

          (1) Permanent. Soldiers with permanent profiles may be considered for enrollment as outlined in reference AR 40-501 (Standards of Medical Fitness). Soldiers must report with a copy of their DA Form 3349 for in-processing. Soldiers will be eligible to attend and train within the limits of their profile provided they can meet the course graduation requirements. Soldiers with a permanent designator of "3" or "4" in their physical profile must include a copy of their approved medical waiver (see paragraph 7 below for waiver request procedures).

          (2) Temporary. Soldier’s immediate commanders will permit soldiers with temporary medical profiles due to operational deployments to attend appropriate courses within the guidelines of their profile. However, the Soldier must arrive at the course with a copy of their profile and a memorandum signed by their commander stating the temporary profile has been continuous and results from injuries sustained during operational deployment. Soldiers are unauthorized to attend SMTB courses if they have a temporary profile that is not the result of operational deployment or that prevents full participation in the course.
          (3) Soldiers that receive a profile while enrolled in resident training. The SMTB Commander will evaluate Soldiers that receive a temporary or permanent physical profile while attending an SMTB course to determine if they will continue their training or be dismissed from the course.

          (4) Soldiers who are over 40 years old are required to have a cardiovascular disease risk evaluation as outlined in reference AR 40-501 (Standards of Medical Fitness).. Evaluations must be conducted one year or less from the course start date. These Soldiers will hand-carry a copy of their Physical Health Assessment (PHA) when they report to their course for in-processing.


7. Waiver Request Procedures. The Recruiting and Retention Battalion (RRB) will submit waiver requests as soon as possible but no later than 10 business days before course start date. Waivers disapproved by the waiver authority are final. No Exception to Policy (ETP) authorized.
     a. Administrative Waivers. An administrative waiver is required for a non-medical disqualification (for example line score, MOS and rank waivers). Line score waiver requests must include proof of ASVAB line scores. Authorized proof source documents include an Enlisted Record Brief (ERB), REDD Report, or a printout from ASVAB testing center. A Memorandum for Record (MFR) from the Recruiting and Retention Battalion Commander (RRC) is an authorized form of line score verification. Process administrative waivers in the following manner:
          (1) RRB Operations or student will upload waiver request, including memorandum signed by RRC and supporting documents to the “Student Document Upload” in SharePoint.
          (2) Following review, SMTB Operations will notify RRB Operations and/or student with a disposition of approved or disapproved via the “Course Grading Dashboard” in SharePoint. The SMTB Commander is the final approval authority for administrative waivers.  
          (3) SMTB Operations will upload approved ETP signed by the SMTB Commander into the student’s DTMS profile. 
     b. Medical Waiver Requests. Required documents for a medical waiver request include a MFR signed by RRC, Individual Medical Readiness (IMR), DA Form 3349 (Physical Profile), Soldier’s statement, and Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) result (if applicable). Process medical/PULHES waivers in the following manner:
          (1) RRB Operations or student will upload documents to the “Student Document Upload” in SharePoint.
          (2) SMTB Operations will forward documents to the MOS 79T Proponent Office.
          (3) The MOS 79T Proponent Office will process the waiver and forward to Strength Maintenance Division (ARNG-HRR) HQ for review. Final approval authority for this is the Chief, Strength Maintenance Division.
          (4) Following review, ARNG-HRR HQ will forward signed waiver with final disposition to SMTB Operations and the MOS 79T Proponent Office.
          (5) SMTB Operations will return signed waiver to RRB Operations.
          (6) If approved, the RRB will forward the signed waiver to the Soldier to upload into SharePoint as outlined in the course welcome letter.
     c. Multiple waivers. The SMTB Commander is the final approval authority for any combination of two waiver requests. SMTB Operations will return disposition to RRB Operations and/or student. If approved, the Soldier will upload the waivers into SharePoint as outlined in the course welcome letter.
      d. All waivers will be submitted thru student documents as explained in the specific class the student is attending.

8. All RRB personnel attending SMTB courses will utilize their State issued Recruiter Workstation (RWS).  
 a. RRB personnel attending SMTB course must have an appropriate RSID and a functional and compliant RWS. The State RWS will be utilized both in the classroom and for homework assignments. Failure to have an RWS on hand will result in the student not being allowed to attend the course. 
      b. In the event a computer becomes non-compliant or requires maintenance while at SMTB, our IT Section will temporarily issue a student RWS. Our IT staff will reach out to the State Automation NCO and will assist with repairs or remediation as needed. 

9. Specific course and class information can be found under the Courses tab.