RSP 25-301

Monday, January 13, 2025 @ 0600hrs: Report for height and weight screening in winter APFU (l/s shirt, shorts, pants, hat, gloves and jacket) with CAC to Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB), 11206 Lexington Dr. Bldg 244, Los Alamitos, CA 90720

The registration desk in Independence Hall does not establish reporting times or locations.
Carefully read all correspondence and attachments regarding this class, as instructions may change. Items underlined in blue font are hyperlinks and should be reviewed by all students.

Welcome Letter from the SMTB Commander
(Use the above for your DTS MOI)

SMTB Course Requirements
(Link above provides guidance for Waivers and Common Requirement for all SMTB Courses)

Review the "SMTB Student Guide" for information about Directions To Camp Robinson's Main Gate, Contact Information, Mailing Address/Arrival/Reporting and Departure Procedures, Spouses/Guest, Messages, Medical Care, Billeting/Housekeeping, Dining Facility, Fitness Center, Weapons, Emergency, Financial Matters, Judge Advocacy General (JAG), Rental Cars, Privately Owned Vehicles (POV), Identification, Safety, Classroom Conduct, Fraternization, Required Items, Leave/Pass Policy, PEC Campus Map, and "Packing List" on page 15.

Failure to follow instructions may delay your in-processing and may result in non-enrollment. 

This course provides newly assigned or selected for assignment ARNG Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP) Cadre with knowledge, skills, and techniques to perform successfully.

Target Audience
ARNG Soldiers, SPC or above currently serving in or selected for RSP Cadre duties.

Course Length is Two Weeks.

Suitability Screening is Required.

ARNG Soldiers, SPC or above assigned or selected for
assignment as RSP Cadre.

Soldiers are required to upload the following prerequisite documents in "SMTB SharePointNLT 10 Business days from the course start date.

Soldiers who fail to meet this requirement will be non-enrolled from the course: 
Document Naming Convention
AGR Orders LastnameFM_AGROrders
HRR 600-1 (Version SEP 2024) LastnameFM_HRR600-1
RSP Ethics Quiz LastnameFM_RSPEthics
Risk Management Certificate LastnameFM_RiskMangCertificate
TRADOC Form 350-18-2-R-E LastnameFM_TF350-18-2-R-E
Administrative Documents
Soldiers are required to upload the following administrative documents in SMTB Blackboard within 72hrs after the course start date.

Soldiers who fail to meet this requirement will be disenrolled from the course: 
Document Naming Convention
Personal Data Sheet LastnameFM_PersonalDataSheet
DD 1610 LastnameFM_DD1610
Recruiter Workstation (RWS)
All RSP personnel attending SMTB courses will be utilizing an ARISS RWS.  

It is preferable for the State to issue an ABS system. At minimum a RSP student should have a ARISS account built, and their CAC registered. Our IT staff will have sufficient ABS on site to temporarily issue the students a system.

Application Access Requirements
Army 365 (A365) Account with access to MS Teams, and Army Recruiting Information Support System (ARISS) User Account, Vulcan State Level Access and State Power User Level DPRO account. The State RRB Automation NCO can assist with acquiring a DPRO account.
If you have any questions, please email the SMTB OPS mailbox: NG Camp Robinson NGB ARNG PEC Mailbox ARNG-PEC-SMT-OPNS