SQI4 25-003

Sunday, March 30, 2025:  Report to Independence Hall "1404 Missouri Avenue, North Little Rock, AR" for room assignment.

Monday, March 31, 2025 @ 0530hrsReport for height and weight screening in winter APFU (l/s shirt, pants, jacket and shorts) with CAC to SGT Young Hall BLDG 3400 

is scheduled for 02 May at 0900 hrs. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.

The registration desk in Independence Hall does not establish reporting times or locations. 
If you have any questions, please email the SMTB OPS mailboxNG Camp Robinson NGB ARNG PEC Mailbox ARNG-PEC-SMT-OPNS

Soldiers are required to upload course prerequisite documents in "SMTB SharePoint" NLT 10 Business days from the course start date.

Soldiers who fail to meet the prerequisite document requirement will be non-enrolled from the course.

Welcome Letter from the SMTB Commander
(Use the above for DTS MOI)

SMTB Course Requirements
(Link above provides guidance for Waivers and Common Requirement for all SMTB Courses)

Carefully read the information below, by clicking on each tab.
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Expand List item 1173Collapse List item 1173  ADDITIONAL INFOMATION
Students should arrive at PEC-SMTB ready to learn and as free from distraction as they can be while attending the course.

Students will not be on cellphones, sending outlook emails for work, or working in RZ while in class.

Students will be required to complete homework during the course.

Students will be advised by the Team Chief and Class Advisors to not be conducting work while in the classroom.
Expand List item 1174Collapse List item 1174  ASU/AGSU INSPECTION
ASU/AGSU inspection will be conducted on Day 1.

Expand List item 1175Collapse List item 1175  PURPOSE
This course provides ARNG enlisted Soldiers with the fundamental knowledge, skills, and techniques to perform as an ARNG Recruiting and Retention Non-Commissioned Officer (RRNCO).

Target Audience
ARNG enlisted Soldiers in the rank of SGT-SFC, who possess an Army MOS and projected to fill, or currently assigned to, a valid 79T or SQl4 recruiting and retention position.

Course Length is Five Weeks

Suitability Screening is Required

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Expand List item 1176Collapse List item 1176  ACFT, HEIGHT AND WEIGHT
Be prepared to conduct Height and Weight and a record ACFT in week one as it is a graduation requirement for all PME courses. Review ATP 7-22.01 and FM 7-22 prior to the course start.

Students are required to conduct physical readiness training (PRT) throughout the five weeks of the course.
Expand List item 1177Collapse List item 1177  PREREQUISITES
Have a minimum General Technical (GT) score of 110. This requirement can be waived with GT Score of 100 or GT score of 95 combined with a Skilled Technical (ST) score of 95.

Must not possess obviously distracting physical characteristics or mannerisms to include shaving profile (waiver not authorized).

Tattoos must comply with AR 670-1 (Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia).

PULHES 132321. Soldiers possessing a “3” in Upper Extremities must have prior MOS Administrative Retention Review (MAR2) clearance (no waiver authorized).

Meet Selection Criteria listed in reference DA Pam 611-21 (Military Occupational Classification and Structure).

Must possess an Army MOS.

No Shaving Profiles will be considered.

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Expand List item 1178Collapse List item 1178  APPLICATION ACCESS REQUIREMENTS
Army 365 (A365) Account with access to MS Teams, Army Recruiting Information Support System (ARISS) User Account with a 4-digit Recruiter Station Identification (RSID) by the first day of training, Recruiter Zone (RZ), Bi-Zone and State Power User Level DPRO account. The State RRB Automation NCO can assist with acquiring a DPRO account.
Expand List item 1179Collapse List item 1179  RECRUITER WORKSTATION (RWS)
All RRB personnel attending SMTB courses will utilize their State issued Accession Baseline System (ABS) Recruiter Workstation (RWS). RRB personnel attending SMTB course must have an appropriate RSID and a functional and compliant RWS.

The State ABS RWS will be utilized both in the classroom and for homework assignments.

Failure to have an ABS RWS on hand will result in the student not being allowed to attend the course. 

In the event a computer becomes non-compliant or requires maintenance while at SMTB, our IT Section will temporarily issue a student RWS.

Our IT staff will reach out to the State Automation NCO and will assist with repairs or remediation as needed.