Report Monday, April 7, 2024 @ 0600hrs: Report for height and weight screening in winter APFU (l/s shirt, pants, jacket and shorts) with CAC to Site to be determined
Carefully read all correspondence and attachments regarding this class, as instructions may change. Item underlined in blue font are hyperlinks and should be reviewed by all students.
Welcome Letter from the SMTB Commander
(Use the above for your DTS MOI)
SMTB Course Requirements
(Link above provides guidance for Waivers and Common Requirement for all SMTB Courses)
Review the "SMTB Student Guide" for Required Items, Leave/Pass Policy, and "Packing List" on page 15.
Failure to follow instructions may delay your in-processing and may result in non-enrollment.
Purpose. To provide ARNG and USAR Soldiers with the knowledge, skills, and techniques to perform as a Liaison Non-Commissioned Officer (LNCO)/Initial Active Duty for Training (IADT) Manager.
Target Audience
ARNG and USAR Soldiers, currently assigned or selected as ARNG/USAR TRADOC LNCO or State IADT Managers.
Course Length is Two Weeks
Suitability Screening is Not Required
All personnel attending this course must be assigned or selected for the assignment as an ARNG/USAR Liaison or State IADT Manager. ARNG Soldiers must hold the primary MOS 79T. Exceptions to this may be considered via an administrative waiver on a case-by-case basis. State IADT Managers not assigned to MOS 79T TDA positions are exempt from training requirements but are encouraged to complete this course.
Soldiers are required to upload the following prerequisite documents in "SMTB SharePoint" NLT 10 Business days from the course start date.
Soldiers who fail to meet this requirement will be non-enrolled from the course:
Document |
Naming Convention |
AGR Orders |
LastnameFM_AGROrders |
79T MOS Orders |
LastnameFM_79TMOSOrders |
Liaison/IADT Manager Appointment Memo (If Applicable) |
LastnameFM_ApptMemo |
TRADOC Form 350-18-2-R-E |
LastnameFM_TF350-18-2-R-E |
Waiver(s) (If Applicable) |
LastnameFM_Waiver |
Administrative Documents
Soldiers are required to upload the following administrative documents in "SMTB SharePoint" within 72hrs after the course start date.
Soldiers who fail to meet this requirement will be disenrolled from the course:
Document |
Naming Convention |
Personal Data Sheet |
LastnameFM_PersonalDataSheet |
Travel Authorization |
LastnameFM_TravelAuthorization |
Recruiter Workstation (RWS)
All RRB personnel attending SMTB courses will utilize their State issued Recruiter Workstation (RWS).
RRB personnel attending SMTB course must have an appropriate RSID and a functional and compliant RWS. The State RWS will be utilized both in the classroom and for homework assignments. Failure to have an RWS on hand will result in the student not being allowed to attend the course.
In the event a computer becomes non-compliant or requires maintenance while at SMTB, our IT Section will temporarily issue a student RWS. Our IT staff will reach out to the State Automation NCO and will assist with repairs or remediation as needed.
Application Access Requirements
Army 365 (A365) Account with access to MS Teams
If you have any questions, please email the SMTB OPS mailbox: NG Camp Robinson NGB ARNG PEC Mailbox ARNG-PEC-SMT-OPNS