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Strength Maintenance Training Battalion
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Three Tenet News
Current Three Tenet News
Three Tenents Podcast
Ep.1: Started from the bottom, now we’re here: SFC Octavia Chambers
Ep. 2: Greece to Guard: SSG Georgia Varoucha
Ep. 3: SRSC CPT Caroline Pirchner
Ep 4: SGT Knucklehead: SSG Brandon Jacoby
Ep 5: MSG Christopher Larson: 79T Proponent NCO
Ep 6: LTG Jon Stubbs: 23rd Director of the Army National Guard
Ep 7: SFC James Reyes: Hawaii ARNG 79T RRNCO
The Wire
The Wire: Issue 1
The Wire: Issue 2
The Wire: Issue 3
The Wire: Issue 4
The Wire: Issue 5
The Wire: Issue 6
SMTB ATRRS Course Calendar
AUTO - Automation 25-001
CPC - Company Pre-Command 25-001
LIADT - Liaison IADT Manager 25-001
MEPS - Guidance Counselor (GC) 25-003
MKT - Marketing and Advertising NCO 25-001
NCR Non-Career Recruiter SQI4 25-003
OSM - Officer Strength Manager 25-001
PC - Pre-Command 25-001
RLC - Recruiter Leader Course 25-004
RLC - Recruiter Leader Course 25-005
RSP - Recruit Sustainment Program Cadre 25-301
SLC - Senior Leaders Course 25-005
SLC - Senior Leaders Course 25-006
URNCO - Unit Retention NCO 25-303 (DE)
URNCO - Unit Retention NCO 25-302 (GU)
SMTB Welcome Letter (For Course Conducted at SMTB)
Student Guide
MTT Request
How to Use This Site
Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the Strength Maintenance Training Battalion (SMTB) located at the
Professional Education C
enter (PEC)
in North Little Rock, Arkansas. The SMTB trains the
Army National Guard
Recruiting and Retention Force encompassing recruiting, retention and attrition management. In addition to qualification training, the Strength Maintenance Training Battalion is the only active-duty NCO academy in the
Army National Guard.
Educate & develop world premier adaptive Strength Maintenance Professionals that generate and promote lifelong ambassadors for our nation's Army.
To be the Army National Guard's premier, accredited training institute by producing competent, professional Leaders, woven into the fabric of our communities who are prepared to serve as force multipliers for the 54 States and Territories through effective execution of the three tenets of the Strength Maintenance Philosophy ~ Recruiting, Retention, and Attrition Management.
LTC Brett A. Ferguson
Commander, SMTB
CSM Joshua J. Fassoth
Chief Instructor, SMTB